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april 4, 2020

Into D’mentia heeft een dementie-simulator ontwikkeld waarin gezonde mensen kunnen ervaren hoe het voelt om met dementie te leven. In deze speciaal ontwikkelde simulator ervaren gezonde mensen verwarring, onzekerheid, desoriëntatie en andere gevoelens die mensen met dementie dagelijks hebben. Door zelf dementie te beleven, ontstaat meer begrip voor de ziekte, een betere relatie en minder zorglast.

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maart 2, 2020

A bitter battle was waged for the liberation of Europe 75 years ago. The 'He or I' exhibition at the National Military Museum reflects on this battle. You experience this battle through the eyes of two soldiers: a Canadian and a German.

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februari 24, 2020

The Pirate Experience on Sint Maarten takes the visitors through the pirate wreck to experience the pirate story through various impressive spaces. The story comes to life through various interactives.

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augustus 5, 2019

When you say Belgium, you immediately think of chocolate, Belgian chocolate is world famous. The largest Belgian chocolate museum can now be visited in Antwerp; Chocolate Nation. The Chocolate Nation experience museum is open to visitors since January 2019 and has already welcomed the 50,000th visitor after 5 months. The experience museum of over 4,000 square meters is completely dedicated to Belgian chocolate.

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juli 26, 2019

On the west coast of Denmark an impressive new museum has risen from the dunes. For various exhibition rooms Tinker Imagineers designed spectacular formations of bunkers, dunes, trees and amber stones. Kloosterboer was responsible for the full realization of the new permanent exhibition. Including the technique for projections, light and sound.

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juli 11, 2017

In 2017, the restoration of the old fort at Krommeniedijk was completed and the old visitor center has been replaced by a completely renewed experience center.

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maart 20, 2017

In the exciting experience "The Railway Walker" visitors experience the hazards of rail track.

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maart 18, 2017


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