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  • Gepost door admin
februari 25, 2020

In the southwest of the United Kingdom, a 300-hectare estate has been transformed into a beautifully landscaped country estate with a hotel, restaurants, cottages and gardens. Visitors are guided through different stages in the history of gardening. From a Victorian fragrance garden and greenhouse, a real cottage garden, to modern water gardens and impressive flower courts. The entire site is a glimpse into the past, mixed with contemporary design. Everything laid out in detail.

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  • admin
  • Gepost door admin
juli 14, 2017

The Game Changers exhibition in the National Maritime Museum tells you about remarkable maritime innovations of the past centuries.

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  • admin
  • Gepost door admin
november 1, 2014

De Tijdtrap is een nieuwe permanente tentoonstellingsruimte in het roltrappenhuis van de Markthal met de archeologische bodemvondsten die zijn opgegraven in de bouwput.

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  • admin
  • Gepost door admin
november 1, 2014

Nieuwe vaste opstelling Nederlands Zilvermuseum in Schoonhoven.

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