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april 4, 2020

Into D’mentia heeft een dementie-simulator ontwikkeld waarin gezonde mensen kunnen ervaren hoe het voelt om met dementie te leven. In deze speciaal ontwikkelde simulator ervaren gezonde mensen verwarring, onzekerheid, desoriëntatie en andere gevoelens die mensen met dementie dagelijks hebben. Door zelf dementie te beleven, ontstaat meer begrip voor de ziekte, een betere relatie en minder zorglast.

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februari 25, 2020

In the southwest of the United Kingdom, a 300-hectare estate has been transformed into a beautifully landscaped country estate with a hotel, restaurants, cottages and gardens. Visitors are guided through different stages in the history of gardening. From a Victorian fragrance garden and greenhouse, a real cottage garden, to modern water gardens and impressive flower courts. The entire site is a glimpse into the past, mixed with contemporary design. Everything laid out in detail.

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februari 24, 2020

The Pirate Experience on Sint Maarten takes the visitors through the pirate wreck to experience the pirate story through various impressive spaces. The story comes to life through various interactives.

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januari 17, 2020

For the renewed Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Kloosterboer has been able to develop and produce the entrance gallery in collaboration with Kossmann.dejong design agency. This entrance gallery with its sensational decor transports you through a range of landscapes, starting in the depths of the ocean and ending at the top of a mountain, almost as if suspended in mid-air. Along the way, you'll meet a wide variety of animal and plant life.

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januari 16, 2020

For the renewed Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Kloosterboer was responsible to develop and produce the death room in collaboration with the Kossmann.dejong design agency. The "maze of death" shows how death and life ultimately come together.

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januari 15, 2020

For the renewed Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Kloosterboer was responsible to develop and produce the gallery Dinosaur Era in collaboration with the English design agency Event. The immense, 12-meter height of the gallery shows off the size of the dinosaurs to their best advantage. Naturally, Trix takes center stage. Another highlight is Triceratops, a dinosaur species of which Naturalis has uncovered multiple specimens.

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november 5, 2019

Into D’mentia has developed a dementia simulator in which healthy people can experience what it feels like to live with dementia. In this specially developed simulator, healthy people experience confusion, uncertainty, disorientation and other feelings that people with dementia have every day. By experiencing dementia yourself, it grows a better understanding of the disease, a better relationship and less burden of care.

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augustus 5, 2019

When you say Belgium, you immediately think of chocolate, Belgian chocolate is world famous. The largest Belgian chocolate museum can now be visited in Antwerp; Chocolate Nation. The Chocolate Nation experience museum is open to visitors since January 2019 and has already welcomed the 50,000th visitor after 5 months. The experience museum of over 4,000 square meters is completely dedicated to Belgian chocolate.

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juni 28, 2018

In The Hague you can touch the moon. The city is enriched with a Moonstone from NASA. Verry special is that the stone can be touched by the public. There are only ten copies worldwide where this is possible.

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mei 20, 2017

In honor of King Willem-Alexander's 50th anniversary the exhibition celebrates the life of the Netherlands in the last 50 years.

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