My dear favorite

A novel that the writer himself thought no one would ever want to read, but which became a bestseller in a short time. A 49-year-old…

Lehman Trilogy

Directed by Guy Cassiers, ITA is staging this unparalleled story spanning 150 years for the first time in Dutch. …

The Magic Mountain – International Theater Amsterdam

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the young Hans Castorp goes to a sanatorium in Davos, Switzerland to treat his cousin...

Judas – International Theater Amsterdam

Anyone who hears Judas thinks of betrayal. He is the man who extradites Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. That's the official version. But there is…

The Hours

The Hours takes place on one day in the lives of three women, at three different moments in the 20th century. The…

I wonder where the dreams I don't remember go

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