My dear favorite

A novel that the writer himself thought no one would ever want to read, but which became a bestseller in a short time. During a sultry summer, a 49-year-old veterinarian falls in love with the underage daughter of a farmer.


A love that quickly becomes an obsession. A story with moving but also intense scenes in which the adult man and the 14-year-old girl grow closer and closer until the boundary is crossed. Ivo van Hove is the first director to adapt this heartbreaking and terrifying novel for the stage.


Kloosterboer is responsible for building the decor.


De Volkskrant

“How the cloudy skies of set designer Jan Versweyveld also play an active role – as if it were not a set but music. Rhythmic, pulsating to the beat of the performance: it is all impressive.”

  • client

    International Theater Amsterdam (ITA)

  • direction and editing

    Ivo van Hoven

  • scenography and lighting design

    Jan Versweyveld

  • photography

    Jan Versweyveld, Dim Balsem, Fabian Calis

  • Tags

    decor, theater

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