
The newest attraction of The Newt Estate in Somerset (UK) has been opened and contains a wealth of information about the bee and the relationship of the bee to nature and ourselves; Human. Young and old can absorb this information in a clear and partly interactive way.


Kloosterboer, in collaboration with design agency Kossmanndejong, has been able to develop and build this beautiful Beezantium exhibition, including the audio visual hardware.


Beezantium is nestled in the woods and surrounded by a specially planted apiary. Here houses a selection of wild bee colonies in observation hives. Take a look at the fascinating life of bees and their beehives in the Beezantium.

  • client


  • spatial design / graphic design, art direction


  • location

    Somerset (UK)

  • exhibition development/construction and AV hardware

    Kloosterboer Decor BV

  • photography

    Jim Stephenson -

  • Tags

    av-hardware, showcontrol, uk
