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mei 8, 2020

This year at the Holland Open Air Museum we are focusing on the theme ‘Meet Me’. Meetings with other people are a fundamental part of our existence.

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april 4, 2020

Into D’mentia heeft een dementie-simulator ontwikkeld waarin gezonde mensen kunnen ervaren hoe het voelt om met dementie te leven. In deze speciaal ontwikkelde simulator ervaren gezonde mensen verwarring, onzekerheid, desoriëntatie en andere gevoelens die mensen met dementie dagelijks hebben. Door zelf dementie te beleven, ontstaat meer begrip voor de ziekte, een betere relatie en minder zorglast.

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maart 30, 2020

In the past ten years, Museum of the canals has allowed visitors from all over the world to learn more about the history of Amsterdam and its canals.

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maart 2, 2020

A bitter battle was waged for the liberation of Europe 75 years ago. The 'He or I' exhibition at the National Military Museum reflects on this battle. You experience this battle through the eyes of two soldiers: a Canadian and a German.

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februari 25, 2020

In the southwest of the United Kingdom, a 300-hectare estate has been transformed into a beautifully landscaped country estate with a hotel, restaurants, cottages and gardens. Visitors are guided through different stages in the history of gardening. From a Victorian fragrance garden and greenhouse, a real cottage garden, to modern water gardens and impressive flower courts. The entire site is a glimpse into the past, mixed with contemporary design. Everything laid out in detail.

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februari 24, 2020

The Pirate Experience on Sint Maarten takes the visitors through the pirate wreck to experience the pirate story through various impressive spaces. The story comes to life through various interactives.

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december 16, 2019

How do we present ourselves in the current visual culture? What do we show? What not? The spring exhibition In the Picture tells stories about identity and image, in 75 portraits. A portrait tells more than you initially think. How did Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Thérèse Schwartze and other artists present themselves in their portraits? Find out more in the exhibition 'In the Picture'.

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